The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held at such place and time as may be determined by the Managing Committee provided that the date of the meeting shall in no case be later than fifteen months from the date of the previous General Meeting.

The President may summon a special general meeting at any time that the Managing Committee considers necessary and shall summon a special general meeting upon a written request signed by twenty (20) members of the Association in good financial standing and setting out the purpose of the meeting. No business may be transacted at a Special general meeting other than that appearing in the notice summoning the meeting.

In the absence of the President and two Vice-Presidents the meeting shall elect a Chairman to preside thereat.

The quorum at a General Meeting shall be twenty (20) financial members.

At least fourteen days’ notice must be given for each General Meeting, or special general meeting.

At a General Meeting the President or other members presiding shall have an original and, in the case of an equality of votes, a casting vote.

A General meeting shall decide the manner in which the votes at such meeting shall be taken.